Sunday, 27 May 2012

Cannes, Kylie and Cats

Hasn't it been  a chilly weekend?  The cats are still in Toowoomba and have taken over.    This was Dad's chair!

And this is him trying to read the newspaper last night....
 Mum bought this lovely addition for my room from Harolds - isn't it divine?
Back in Brisbane we picked up my new cross trainer from a lovely ebay seller who lived only a few blocks away. Thank goodness I had a handyman to carry it up the stairs and put it together!!
I bunkered down last night with a champagne and some magazines as a reward.  These are my usual subscriptions.  Nicole Kidman looks amazing in the Bazaar this month.

I thought Nicole Kidman looked great at Cannes this month.  I love the way Keith is holding her clutch!  I wish he would get a hair cut and take a shave!
Other's did not look so good (see Kylie below).  There's a great gallery at
 (  I don't like Kylie's number.

Despite the above - I am a huge Kylie fan.  On the whole her outfits are fabulous.  You can follow her look at (

Her new release is out (  I am very excited that the clip features the official car of this blog!

 Its great to see that Kylie is still looking fit - I bet she has a cross trainer at home too!
I've also keenly been following the "Fashionists Facebooks Posts".  The Fashionista is responsible for an email out of events and sales.  It is definitely worth signing up to!

And straight from their post ... "hold on to your macarons ladies, LadurĂ©e is coming to Australia, opening in Sydney this year"

Is this the perfect office?  Apparently it's in a hotel in Italy.
How did you fair with the State of Origin?  The cats are from NSW I think they were disappointed.  I certainly wasn't!

I watched Puss in Boots this week.  It was fabulous!!

Hosakowa, my favourite restaurant,  has kept me very happy this's a sample 

marinated octopus, fish roe and salmon and tempura prawn ... Hosakowa is worth a blog post of its own ...stay tuned.

BTW have you got a spare $500K?  Here's an article on Jessica Foy (we went to school together and have recently been re acquainted at the 911 launch)

Here is some lovely eye candy straight from the auction...!

PS I miss you Mr B!!

Hope your teeth are looking good:)

I hope you have a fabulous week


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