Monday, 7 May 2012

Not much Labor but lots of Labour!!

How was your Labour Day today? It’s origins are in the labour union movement and is a holiday that is to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers.
Whatever your politics it was GREAT to have a long weekend.  There was certainly lots of LABOUR in this house today.  There is never any Labor!

Mum, Dad and Nana came for a visit today.  I got some exciting mail...thank you porsche - what a lovely surprise!!! This has gone straight to the pool room.

We had a lovely steak at the pub and then the work started!!  My lovely owls from Rockhampton now have a home (thanks dad!)

Nana and mum had some tea tasting ... the undisputed favourite was White Tea followed closely by my Chai with vanilla soy and cinnamon.

 Dad also put up my bedroom prints (thanks Dad!! (again!)

I simply LOVE these wall tiles 

Kismet loves them too!

My family left just before the sun went down - I'm always sad to see them go!

It was time for some R & R and good fashioned french company (more on that tomorrow)

Dinner wasn't until 7 so i bought some nibbles ...!

... some Blue, Jalsberg and Maleny Camembert and some olives and salsa.

and of course a little champagne was needed.

Kismet and Bling celebrated with some cheese and then watched the sun go down from their favourite places.

Bling in her heart house

I hope you had a fabulous weekend ... back to work tomorrowxox

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