Monday, 21 May 2012

The Spotted Cow

is an institution in Toowoomba(

it looks fabulous from the outside with lots of Friesian cows ...

there are cows inside too...

even life size ...this one guards the front door
The "cow" is full of fabulous sports memorabilia and there are signatures all over the walls...
Arthur Beetson OAM (22/1/45 - 1/12/11)
"Artie" Beetson, the famous rugby league star, has signed the wall at the cow.  He represented Australia and Queensland from 1964 to 1981 and was the first Indigenous Australia to captain his country in any sport.

There is a hall of sports memorabilia!

Here's a favourite of mine from John Eales

I like this one too!  It's from a Japanese Rugby team.

The cow is renowned for its beer but I still order champagne

The BEST thing on the menu is their 1kg Hoegarrden mussels...

After lunch it is essential to go an visit Aaron at Harolds Finishing Touches.  He has divine products and a fabulous blog ( 

Aaron is the creative director of Harolds - he has a quirky style and shares my love of black and white

It's always fabulous to peek in the front window!

The artwork is terrific...

Aaron is sourcing for me this lovely poodle lamp (it was a breach to the shopping ban!!). 

which I am going to pair up with this Ikea lamp!

I've also purchased a some lovely silver greyhounds...I will take a picture of the pair when they get their permanent place in my home...

I had a lovely weekend in Tooowoomba and am still recovering - I will post as promised pictures from the ball asap


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