Saturday, 2 June 2012

A million paws

The RSPCA Millions Paws Walk ( raises money for the RSPCA.  Mum and Dad's Vet Surgery Herriot House has a special contingency.

There were so many people and a representative from every breed of dog you can imagine.

Tarryn ( and ( has dogs that perform tricks and have clever grooming.  See Della's Golden Retriever clipped as a "lion".

There was a kelpie striped like a zebra ...

Here's a hyena ...

Here is one of the pack with her her little boy.

they also watch him for their mother...

A want a papillon .. was my favourite for the day

I also love the King Charles ... I grew up with Sam a King Charles - he was beautiful!

There was soo many other divine dogs ...this looks like a sharpei 

a bull dog

a maltese

a chihuahua 

a poodle

a staffy

A Schnauzer

shitzu cross

A big fellow

A Maltese 

A pug

A collie

Basset Hound

My favourite lorna jane top! ( see my pin interest account (
lab x
King Charles (one of my favourites)
french bulldog and pug (two of my favourite breeds)
french bulldog
west highland white
a snappy dresser

Border Collie
A scottie (I love!)
Japanese Spitz (just lovely)
Fashion forward Maltese
Standard Poodle

Cattle Dogs
Australian BullDog
I hope you enjoy these pics.  What is your favourite breed?

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