Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Racecourse Road Festival and Cloudland

I love the spectacular interior of Cloudland... 

It's also got spectacular Fornasetti wallpaper in the bathrooms.  I've got a roll of this at home waiting for a special spot.

It was the Racecourse Road festival last weekend....I started the weekend with a fabulous walk down the street, along the river and past the Breakfast Creek Hotel ...

There were lots of people at the festival ....

and some fabulous sights

There were some strange stands ... I liked the Hello Kitty number and this cute little caravan

I was very tempted to have some fairy floss - I love the persian one you get from the deli
but I stopped for a chai tea at Lidos instead
and checked out the festival menu at Baguette but decided to go home and action some work..

I supervised a Dolls House Project for a friend's nephew ... as you can see I did all of the "supervision" in my fabulous thongs... whilst Mr S did all of the work!!

That night I made Maggie Beer's potatoes.  Here's the recipe - it is AMAZING

Here's my uncooked rendition

and a lamb roast 

what a perfect way to end the weekend ...!  More updates soon I am a few weeks behind!!

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