Thursday, 28 February 2013

Tattoo anyone?

I finally made the trip to Brisbane Tattoo (formally tattoo anarchy) to see the new store.  

Brisbane Tattoo is owned by the Undead Family - and yes you read that right Mr and Mrs Emily Leigh and Turtle Undead.  I had the pleasure of meeting this couple one night - it was a memorable evening!  Lots of talk of alice and wonderland and cats!
 Tattoo Anarchy caused quite a stir in Hamilton and has now moved to Newstead (  The discontent always made me smile because the former store was next to a TAB - what is more damaging for society?

The new store is amazing ... here is the entrance

The store is full of amazing and crazy retro memorabilia.

and lots of Alice in Wonderland ... my absolute favourite cat features regularly!

So why do I visit Brisbane Tattoo?  Its not for ink - I love the designs but don't have any (and won't) ... its for their new venture ... Brisbane Relics (see

The collection is extraordinary!  These are original Alice films from the Disney movie
There are many many collectables

I've been pretty restrained at Brisbane Relics and have bought a lovely Cheshire Cat who now resides in chambers

The latest addition is Gizmo - what chambers don't need this!

I hope you enjoyed Brisbane Tattoo as much as I did and do.  BTW Tim Burton's Frankenweenie has just been released on Itunes...its fabulous!  If you love animals - you'll love this flick.  It's about a boy that brings his dog back to life.

Mr Whiskars the psychic kitty is so like bling here are some screen shots

There are some awesome other animals like these sea monkeys
 and poodle!

 This movie is a must for Tim Burton Fans... who could forget his other movies...

One of my other favourites is Quentin Tarantino... go and see his latest film! Its great (but a bit too long)

Here are some oldies but goodies

Winter fashion blog next ... new season is really testing my resolve to save!

Stay out of the rain


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