Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Hello Kitty in Space and with Liberty of London

Yes .. you read that right!  Hello Kitty has been launched into the stratosphere about 17 miles above earth in a recent student's science experiment !

The video of the launch has almost 1 million views on You Tube.  The rocket has a pink breast cancer ribbon affixed to it to honour members of her family who have survived breast cancer.  I wish my science experiments were this cool! 

Incredibly enough this is not the first time Hello Kitty has been in Space. It seems that the first time was with the  Expedition 9 Crew that was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan on April 19, 2004, at 9:19 a.m., aboard the Russian Soyuz Spacecraft TMA-4, returning to Kazakhstan on October 24, 2004, at 6:35 a.m. aboard the Soyuz Spacecraft TMA-4.”  (see blogger Melissa for more further details)

Hello Kitty has been quite busy this month.  She has also joined forces with Liberty of London.  If only I could sew!  This would be a great range for the quilters out there.

For those who aren't acquainted with this beautiful house, it was founded by Arthur Liberty in 1875 and became the most fashionable place to shop in London producing the iconic liberty print that is still in vogue today.

Thanks to Miss Chrissi - I have some lovely new additions for the office ... here's my beautiful tea cups from Peters of Kensington

and a fabulous coffee mug from mum...

On another happy note the girls have returned and I'm off to Tattoo Anarchy after work to source something for the office ... will blog about this tmrw.


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