Thursday, 1 August 2013

Rennsport Porsche Weekend and the Vivid Festival

[Renn-Sport]. Noun.
1. Festival of Porsche Racing
2. Corresponding to fun, engine sounds and their production
3. The must attend event for all Porsche enthusiasts in 2013

The Rennsport weekend was out at Eastern Creek last month.  It was a must for all Porsche lovers ... here is some eye candy from the car park.  These are the cars from the sightseers

Inside there were lots of displays and lots of racing.  This Cayenne did the trans siberia race !

 Harbourside police have their own Panamera and they were kind enough to let me take a look.  I wish all the police cars were like this - would make for much more aesthetic roads!

 There were sheds of race cars that have one races all over the world throughout decades of racing.  Many, especially the Le Mans cars, are worth a fortune


There was a new Porsche Cup GT3 on display.  It will be awesome when these are on the track 

I still love the old ones

This one is for sale ... I wish!

The Le Mans cars raced .. here they are at the line up

On the other side of the track was a display of all sorts of Porsches.  The cars were immaculate.  its always fun to see the number plates on them!

Jimmy Richards GT2 was a standout!

And I still love this QLD car

It's always interesting to see the different number plates and yes I know ... people in glass houses ...!

I even found a PINK Porsche!

For any doubters out there ... here's a porsche with a baby seat - yes a baby seat!!  This 911 fits two twin boys in it.

For those who don't LOVE Porsches I did spot this beautiful McLaren on the way out in the car park - it was gorgeous!

I finished the day at "O" Bar at the top of Australia Square.  Its a revolving bar with retro deco

 which had a birds eye view over the Sydney VIVID festival, here's some pics

I hope that you all have a great week


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