I even have a Hello Kitty numberplate. Here's one like it.
The only other place to find crazy cat ladies are at cat shows. My girls used to compete.
They have won some lovely rosettes. This is Kismet's show cage - like the satin curtains?

Here's a numberplate I spotted in the car park.
This is a shot from the door. The show is organised so that certain breeds, alters, moggies and other cats compete against each other in like classes. Every cat has their own cage with curtains. Lots of the owners go to a lot of trouble customising theirs.
There were some very experienced judges at this show. This is Alan Davies - a neighbour from home. He travels all around the world judging cats and owns "Ben" the most divine Bengal you will ever meet. He's off to Bangkok, China, Chaing Mai and New Zealand this month to judge cats!
This Judge was from the US and was flying to Melbourne straight after this show for more judging! She's judging a beautiful British Shorthair
This Abyssinian comes from a VERY long line of show winners - this breeder has amazing cats!
Here's a beautiful Burmilla - I bet this is one of yours Isa!
A Siamese and some really cute exotic kittens (below)
The next show is at Everton Park - Kismet and I are looking forward to attending. Bling is not too keen on shows so she'll stay at home and cheer on her sister!Kismet has had the best day today. She helped clean out the tropical fish tank. It is her favourite chore.
It's only got two tetra fish in it.
I'm going to buy some more this week. I would LOVE an angel fish
My track record with fish is not good. I'll probably settle for some guppies and a little cat fish.
Mum's tank has inspired me...here's a shot of the new discus fish. Thank you for helping with the names. Nana is going to decide so stay tuned.
On the shopping front I've been too busy for purchases but am lusting after the following from Shakuhachi and Wheels and Dollbaby!
Leather pants and matching jacket modelled by Mel Tan from Joy - the only place to shop (http://thejoystores.com/) Mel is amazing - you don't need a stylist when you shop here!
The Cameo skirt above is also lovely!
The above is the dress of the week at Leona Edmiston - its got gorgeous elephants with maharajas on them - I LOVE!
I wore my new Jigsaw shoes to court this week with my favourite Leona Edmiston stockings. I LOVE the patent bows.
Its been a week of car eye candy - this greeted me as I drove out the driveway on Monday AND I followed this SLS home the very same day. I've only seen two in Brisbane.
I've always wondered what it would be like to own the above with the gull wing doors.
Peter Hackett drove the sls below like a demon in the Bathurst 24 hour race this year. There were some awesome cars there. Here is a selection of my favourites
Well enough dreaming back to work. The latest issue of the Christophorus magazine has arrived this week so I think it's time for that a champagne to toast the end of the weekend.
Have a fabulous week!
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