Sunday, 22 July 2012

A few days in the mountains

It was off to Toowoomba last week for a few days very early ... this is essential driving fuel...

It's was quite bleak ... here's a reading from mum's SUV. It's nice to be back in the 4wd.

Here's Aaron helping me hide my purchases ... don't tell Mum!!!  I bought some rainbow hot air balloons for the office.

The cats have enjoyed their visit home... Bling has taken over Cinnamon's bed

Here's a picture of her sister who lives in the Southern Highlands - she is also a relaxation specialist

Kismet has also been very stressed ....

Here's a cute new member of the Herriot House ... waiting for his bottle

 Spotted Cow mussles are typically a must in this weather but I don't get time this trip - here's some shots from last time!

This trip I decided to make spring rolls using The Cook and the Chef's recipe - they were spectacular 

and so too is the new Asian grocery store in Tooowoomba!

The spring rolls were quite a production line - thank goodness I had a large can of wasabi peas - I LOVE them!!

I made some fabulous stews this week - all from Jamie Oliver's Ministry of Food both a pork and cider stew and a Guinness beef stew.  I buy all my meat from Millers at Mackenzie Row -  it is the only place to buy meat.  Its a family owned business.  Keenan is a genius his sausages and a specialty.  Jim is his dad and he makes all the home cooked meals.  

Jim also makes home cooked meals to die for!!

Cinnamon was happy I was home - here she is helping me with trial prep!!

Here's a lovely Camilla from Mum's garden - divine 

Enjoy your week - pics of out new fish to follow soon


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