Saturday, 15 September 2012

The High Court

Packing for the High Court was easy with Bling!!  As you can see I packed my Southern wardrobe black, black and more black!

We stayed at the Hyatt - it is my favourite hotel in Canberra

Canberra was freezing - I was so pleased I packed my Lisa Ho fur coat!!

Here is a picture of my $28 Hyatt ham cheese tomato sandwich - and yes you read right !  Obviously I did not know the price when I ordered it!

Thankfully they had calming flowers in the lobby when I got the bill!!

This is what I wore under my robes at the hearing
Here's another spectacular coat worn by ? 

It was awesome to appear at the High Court - the last time I was here was for a Grade 7 school excursion!

Security is tight at the High Court - here's my pass and a few pics from inside looking out

The hearing finished quickly and there was still sun outside.  We went to a fantastic Italian Restaurant for a degustation menu with matching wines - a lovely meal  

I then said goodbye to Canberra and took a drive to Sydney

I stopped off at Burrawang Village Hotel for a counter meal - this is a must if you are driving through the Southern Highlands. The lamb pizza is a must!!

Next stop was to follow....!

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