Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Pray for Burma

I was fortunate to see "The Lady" yesterday.  An inspirational film about  Aung San Suu Kyi.  

Aung San Suu Kyi is a pro democracy leader in Burma who has been imprisoned for 15 of the last  21 years.  Her imprisonment was as a result of her fight for democracy and human rights in Burma ruled by the Junta, an oppressive Burmese regime.

Suu Kyi father, Aung San founded the modern Burmese Army and negotiated Burma's independence from the British empire in 1947.  He was assassinated in the same year by his rivals.

Suu Kyi lived in England for a time where she married and had two children.  She returned to Burma to nurse her mother where she witnessed injustices and the oppressive Burmese regime first hand.

This event sparked the start of her party "The National League for Democracy" to right injustices which she witnessed first hand in Burma.  

Her passion ignited the nation and she won the right to rule in the Burmese 1990 General Election.

 The Junta responded by placing Suu Kyi under house arrest.

Suu Kyi suffered greatly for her quest for democracy.  

She spent significant time separated from her family (as a result of her house arrest and fears of leaving Burma and not being able to return) 

She was not able to farewell her husband upon his death due to the Burmese Government repeatedly rejecting a visa for him.

Suu Kyi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize whilst imprisoned.  She has used the prize money to set up a health and education fund in Burma.

Finally good news came this year.  On 1 April 2012 it was announced that Suu Kyi had won the vote for a seat in parliament.

We can all learn a lot from Suu Kyi.  Her passion for country's freedom has come at great personal cost but has improved the lives of many.  Her journey has also focussed the world's attention on the plight of her people.  She is a strong powerful and stylish woman.  She has maintained grace and dignity under immense hardship.

Why not wear a flower in your hair this week and think of Suu Kyi?

Please do not forget the plight of Burma.


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