Friday, 17 January 2014

What better way to raise $ for the RSPCA

I came across a calendar raising money for the RSPCA this morning and had to share these pics - divine pets posing on lustworthy designer gear!

The pics are from the calendar below ( a must for 2014)!!!

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend


Wednesday, 15 January 2014

New year - new you!

Happy New Year (although somewhat belated!).

Did you make any resolutions?  We're getting serious here at my end.  I am officially on a spending diet and am saving for a house.  In preparation I have my favourite Tiffany piggy banks on standby

I've enlisted the help of my favourite friends who aren't so keen on the cost cutting measures that are going to be put in place including ...

1.  Eating in ...

2.  Window Shopping only ... Of course the best place to window shop is LV.  Here's the latest from Louis Vuitton brought in especially for the opening last month (a lovely affair with champagne and macaroons!).  This trunk holds LV Christmas ornaments

The Epi Electric Collection - in for the opening - was also divine!

4.  A total ban on many shopping websites so as not to be tempted (there are too many to list!)

3.  Reading more ...

 4.   Eating better

 5.  Spending more time with family

6. Taking time to appreciate the beautiful things around

7.  Spending more time with friends 

 8.  Working smart

 8.  Exercising self restraint!

I hope you are all having a great day. 


Friday, 30 August 2013

Spring fever and shoe heaven!

So goodbye budget - check out the new Alannah Hill 2013 season shoes - I'm in love!


If you're in the mall have a look at the new Louis Vuitton display - its divine!

Spring is certainly in the air, Ive been up in Toowoomba and the garden is looking magnificent.  Here's the view from the back deck!!

 Can you see the possum boxes?  They have the best view in Toowoomba!

 Here's some more shots of some of the flowers at home

 Mum and Dad are very proud of their orchids!


 It was great to have a visit from Chrissi ... she has a new man in her life


It was perfect baking weather .. here's the results of Maree's cooking lesson (and sadly I can take no credit for this masterpiece)

I particularly like Maree's table runner from South America ...

Its now back to business in Brisbane.  As you can see Bling was not happy to leave her home in Toowoomba the land of endless chicken
 Kismet is settling in ...!

I hope all the dad's out there have a great Father's day.
